Plant Pathogen - Pan-Fusarium Test
Turnaround Time:
2-3 Days

Method Description
The Pan Fusarium method utilizes real-time PCR to target pathogenic Fusarium species detrimental to plant cultivation. The species that can be detected by this test include F. oxysporum, F. solani, F. avenaceum, F. equisiti, F. falciforme, F. graminearum, F. lichenicola, F. proliferatum, F. sporotrichioides, and F. brachygibbosum. Pathogenic Fusarium species can infect a wide range of crops and spread through the air, water, and soil. Infections can lead to root or crown rot, vascular wilt, and mycotoxin production. Early screening of this pathogen is paramount and can quickly be accomplished through the Pan Fusarium qPCR test.
Analyte List
Technical Data Sheet
Test Name - Common
Plant Pathogen - Pan-Fusarium Test
Method Name
Plant Pathogen Detection by qPCR
Method Code
AriaMx Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Instrument
Method Reference
Reportable Unit
Sample Size Requirements
At least 2 inches of root, one leaf, or 2 grams of soil
Available for
Cannabis leaves or roots, soil
Additional Information
Roots are the most effective spot to find the infection. Please be sure to rinse soil off the roots prior to submission.
Unavailable for
*Prices and offerings are subject to change without notice.