Proanthocyanadins Test - Total
Turnaround Time:
2-3 Days

Method Description
The Determination of Proanthocyanidins in Food and Botanical Products by UV-Vis Test Method involves extracting these polymeric compounds and measuring their absorbance at specific wavelengths. Proanthocyanidins contribute to the color and astringency of products and possess antioxidant properties. UV-Vis spectrophotometry allows for a rapid and cost-effective assessment of proanthocyanidin content. This method is commonly applied in the food and botanical industries for quality control, supporting the characterization and standardization of products rich in proanthocyanidins, such as teas, fruits, and botanical extracts. The results aid in ensuring consistency, potency, and adherence to quality standards in various consumer products.
Analyte List
Technical Data Sheet
Test Name - Common
Proanthocyanadins Test - Total
Method Name
Determination of Proanthocyanidins in Food and Botanical Products by UV-Vis Test Method
Method Code
UV/Vis spectrophotometer
Method Reference
Cambium Analytica
Reportable Unit
Sample Size Requirements
Available for
Food Products (Raw Materials, Powders)
Dietary Supplements (Powders),
Botanicals (Powders)
API (Isolates, Powders)
Additional Information
Unavailable for
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