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The Software to Harness Kratom Analytics

Easy to use software: Order from a broad list of kratom-specific analytical tests, build custom panels, track samples in real time, view your data on beautiful Certificates of Analysis.

Top Shelf Customer Service

15 Minute

Average e-mail response time

3 Business Day

Average turnaround time on samples with micro testing


Fast and transparent communication on retests, sample delays & failures

Data Review

Dedicated in-house data review team

Client Portal

Advanced technology for sample ordering & data aggregation

Night Shift

Samples prepped same day as arrival to the laboratory

Search Tests from A-Z

Search a large list of available tests from A-Z across food, dietary supplements & botanicals. Tests can be modified with customizable action limits based on your unique needs.

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Kratom Testing Services
High & Low Level Kratom Alkaloids
  • Precise analysis of Alkaloid Content by 
  • Comprehensive list of common microbial contaminants in kratom
  • Total Yeast & Mold, Total Aerobic Bacteria, Bile Tolerant Gram Negative Bacteria, Coliforms, E. Coli, Salmonella, STEC, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacteriaceae, Aspergillus spp.
Heavy Metals
  • Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Mercury (Hg), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni)
Residual Solvents
  • Class 1-3 residual solvents testing by Headspace GC-MS on kratom, kratom finished goods, and Mitragynine isolate
Pesticides & Mycotoxins
  • USP <561> methodologies for pesticide and mycotoxin analysis in articles of botanical origin
Kratom Product Development
With Cambium as your partner, enhance the sophistication of your kratom product manufacturing to ensure you are positioned to succeed long-term. 

  • Mitragynine dosing tools and process design for consistency and accuracy
  • Flavor modification, bitter taste mitigation, and product design for wellness consumers
  • Robust documentation, such as specifications sheets, batch logs, and SOPs to meet food industry (FDA) standards
  • Confidence regarding product stability and ingredient interactions
Kratom Stability & Shelf Life
Ensuring your product reaches consumers at the peak of freshness and quality is non-negotiable.
  • Long Term, Intermediate & Accelerated Conditions
  • Simple Shelf Life or Research / Investigation Based Projects
  • Customized Proposals
  • Rich & Beautiful Reporting
Technology to Match
Next generation analytical. Intelligent sample management, ordering, query and data aggregation.
  • Dreamy Software
  • Track samples, and view COAs in real time
  • Seamless Sample Submission and Tracking
  • Our Next-Generation Analytical software allows for higher level insight and organization of your products data with a revolutionary UI and database design. Intelligent sample management, ordering, query, and data aggregation.
New Testing Guidelines

The American Kratom Association has released new guidelines for testing, sampling and QC of Kratom Products

View Guidelines
High & Low Level Kratom Alkaloids

Precise analyization of Alkaloid Content by UPLC-DAD & LC-TQ

View High-Level AlkaloidsView Low-Level Alkaloids
Opioid Adulterants Screening

Qualitative Determination of Pain Management Adulterants in Botanical Products

View Test

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