Homogeneity In Kratom Products

May 9, 2024

A single ineffective encounter with a food or dietary supplement can result in a lost customer for life. As consumers, we expect our coffee to energize us consistently, our foods to be free of adulterants, and our kratom products to contain the promised amount of active—especially if it is a component of a wellness routine to manage chronic symptoms. Achieving precise dosing in kratom-infused products is, in practice, required to maintain long-term upward growth of your brand.

Many nutraceutical brands struggle with consistent dosing—it is a nuanced endeavor, requiring expertise and a comprehensive grasp of product characteristics—resources not always readily available to emerging brands.

The key to effective dosing is taking steps to ensure actives are evenly distributed amongst the final unitized product; more succinctly described as homogeneity. Homogeneity is something that must be actively and intentionally managed in kratom and kava products. Most under or over-dosed products are due to manufacturing processes that have not been reviewed for their impact on homogeneity. Additionally, lab reports for actives usually are based on homogenized samples which do not highlight potential serving variance. This critical analysis ensures consumer satisfaction and safety by consistent dosing from serving to serving.

Homogeneity testing using random sampling during production and at critical mixing and unitizing steps is the best way to diagnose and treat homogeneity challenges in a manufacturing process.

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